6 Sensational Tips For Saving On Tech Trends
Want to embrace all the tech trends out there without breaking the bank? Save money on all the gadgets with these helpful tips!
If you are a technology enthusiast and just cannot imagine your life without the latest technology gadget, you are not alone. But with today’s trendy new technology devices often comes high prices. However, with a little research you can discover several ways to save money on tech products as soon as they are launched. This may involve investigating warranty costs, reading reviews from other consumers and even understanding if you can sell back your old model for a new one.
Here are six useful tips for saving money on trendy technology devices:
1. Timing is Everything. Do your research to learn when a new gadget is scheduled to be released so you don't buy something just before it's made obsolete. In general, there's a new iPhone and iPad model every year. In fact, the latest model was just announced earlier this month, so hopefully you did not purchase an “older” phone.
2. Warranties. Extra coverage for your trendy tech gismo is sometimes prudent and sometimes unnecessary. Review these warranty considerations before deciding on spending your hard earned dollars on an extended warranty.
• First, before buying an extended warranty, check what's covered under the free warranty, which typically lasts for 12 months. You may decide all the important stuff is already covered in the basic product warranty.
• According to the Service Contract Industry Council, if a warranty is more than 20% of the product's price, it may be too much to pay.
• The payment method you use for the product may determine some aspects of the warranty coverage. Buying with a credit card can often extend the manufacturer's warranty automatically.
• Some people just really appreciate the peace of mind and perception of extra security when they acquire their new trendy tech product like a Smartphone. Often, these are accident-prone people who are much more likely to drop their phones, crack their screens and use their cell phones as a doorstop. For these people, the insurance of an extra warranty is worth the money. Operating an iPhone with a cracked surface makes it difficult to text and read emails, not to mention humiliating. But for most people, a sturdy mobile phone case is all the warranty they will require and they should save money by (politely) refusing an extended warranty.
3. Money Back. Selling your old model is a smart way to save money on the newest technology trend. The better you take care of your current gadgets, the more money you can get back for them when it's time to upgrade.
4. Best Value or Most Popular? The most popular model of a new tech device is not always the best bargain. Take the opportunity to read reviews from other users to get an honest opinion on whether the high-priced, high-advertised, popular brand is really the best bang for your dollar.
For example, this past holiday season, Samsung dominated advertising when it came to Android phones. But many buyers posted reviews that suggested the lower priced Google’s Nexus 6P, selling for almost $300 less, was a better value for the money. The reviews touted the 12 hours of real-world battery life on the lower priced model (compared to just nine hours on the Galaxy). Several reviews gave higher marks to the Google Nexus 6P as a better smartphone almost all the way around.
5. Free Shipping. If you are like most on-line shoppers, paying for shipping is aggravating. This is especially true when purchasing large ticket items such as televisions or even the newly popular drones. Here are some simple ways that may award you free shipping:
• If the website has a “live chat” service feature, ask them if there's a way for you to get free shipping with your purchase. Sometimes the operator will have access to unpublished free shipping promotion codes.
• Shipping charges on of the top reasons on-line shopping carts are abandoned. Smart retailers know this, and if you get all the way to checkout and hesitate before clicking “Buy,” they’re sometimes willing to throw in a discount in order to make to the sale.
• If you have a few extra minutes in your day, major retailers provide the option to have an on-line order delivered to a local store at no additional cost. All you have to do is stop in and pick it up at your convenience. Amazon is even getting on board with the recent introduction of locker delivery.
6. Returns. The newest technology products are delving into unique worlds. As a result, there may be some performance issues with your new 3-D camera or state-of-the art virtual reality glasses.
Returns should not cost you additional money. Re-shipping damaged goods and those hated re-stocking fees can rob you of a large amount of cash. So always be sure to review the company’s return policy carefully. And if there is no way to return an item or the return policy is not described clearly on the website, choose another supplier to purchase from that has a realistic return process.
Technology is changing every day and the desire to own the latest trendy tech item is only natural. It does not have to be an expensive process to upgrade your electronic devices if you take a few moments to research the warranty options, consider the reviews of other users and examine the return policy of the business. And we’ve got you covered if you want to find out how to be an early adopter of the latest wearable tech trends.
1. http://www.goecart.com/support/shopping-cart-abandonment.aspx