Auto Obstacle Course
In the weeks before school revs back up, I bet the kids are bored. If they’ve sated their desires for video gaming, movies, camp and sleepovers, then there’s one last challenge you can give them: an obstacle course. An obstacle course is a diverting, challenging way to get those little couch potatoes out and moving. Make it a neighborhood event, other parents will be lauding you too. Here’s how.
1. Bungee Cords: Create a maze of cords for the kids to climb through. AutoCraft 20-Pack Bungee Cord Assortments from Advance Auto Parts will get you started. Wending their way through the maze will teach them coordination and problem-solving. Get 20% off your order using our codes.
2. Flashlights: The wee ones will love playing in the gloaming hours, especially if you equip them with the Smittybilt GB8 LED Glove Box Light-Black from 4 Wheel Parts. Perfect for rousing games of Capture the Flag, you’ll get 5% off your order using our codes.
3. Roll Cage: Tether crepe paper to the Rock Hard 4x4 Parts Ultimate Sports Cage from 4 Wheel Drive and have the kids crawl underneath it on all fours. With 5% off any order using our codes, it’ll be a memory that will last forever.
4. Tires: Tires are ultra-versatile when it comes to fashioning an obstacle course challenge. Run through the tires the old-school P.E. class way or consider adding small balls or shaving cream to enhance the challenge. Auto Parts Warehouse has a huge collection of tires. Be fun and frugal by shopping with our codes. You’ll get 5% off your order.
There’s no obstacle to saving when you use our codes. Get those tots off the couch and outside. An obstacle course is always a joy of childhood and with summer nearly over you can still make on and save. Get the whole neighborhood involved.