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Culture Club

by Anne Middleton, on March 11th, 2015

It is now commonplace for dozens (and dozens) of candidates pursuing new careers to compete for the same job at the same company at the same time.

These days, competition for employment is fierce.  And prospective interviewees often emerge with similar skills itemized on their resume.  So how do you differentiate yourself from the herd of applicants?

Culture.  Yes, it is essential that your personality, work style, leadership skills and even linguistic terminology correspond closely to the environment you will be joining.

Your glossary of vocabulary words should be tailored to the verbiage commonly used in the workplace where you are interviewing. If you are driven to be employed at IBM, but refer to a computer as “that electric gizmo with a TV screen,” it would instantly reveal you would are galaxies beyond your comfort zone for joining this organization.

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Job seekers must confidently demonstrate that they’re good fit for the company’s ethos. In fact, a study says, “43% of Human Resource professionals believe cultural fit is the most important quality job seekers can have during the hiring process.”

If you are investigating a position as an accountant but are clueless about the acronym GAAP, there exists a major void in creating a positive impression.

And if you are focusing on Customer Relations and have no inkling of CRM, it becomes indispensable your knowledge in this category expand preceding your meeting with the hiring manager.

But culture is not all about terminology and qualifications.  Culture also involves the intangibles.

For example, a paralegal at a prestigious law office in attire of a crop top and shorts would not be tolerated.  This is not an audition for a female pin-up calendar.

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Likewise, if you are commencing your career at a fast food enterprise and avoid eye contact with your potential boss, you should not anticipate an offer of employment.

Are you driven to madness by a superior who checks in daily, monitors your accomplishments and provides expert guidance?  Or do you feel abandoned and forlorn if forced to work in solitude?  These extreme examples, and all the management styles in between, also constitute a business’ culture.

Many organizations default into choosing people who have high competence but a low cultural fit. This short-sighted strategy actually decreases the chance for success.  The majority of aspiring contenders can be educated on basic skills, but assimilating into an existing team is a vast challenge.

On, corporations provide detailed descriptions of their job opportunities, qualifications and requirements.  On, it is effortless to identify opportunities that share attributes of your desired culture. This global employment site is an outstanding resource for determining your integration into a spanking new work environment.

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