advanced auto man on drums

Find Your Inner Musician

by Anne Middleton, on February 3rd, 2015

If the syncopation of life has you pining to get away from it all by making a little music, we can help.  You don’t need to run to a music store.  Point and click and make some melodious memories with auto parts.  Use our promo codes and you’ll be sure to save.

Nothing is more soothing that the soft pelts of rain against the window sill.  Even if you’re abiding in a drought-prone area, you can enjoy the sounds of a Chilean rain stick.  All that’s required is tubing and washers to make those drip-drop sounds. Advance Auto Parts will help you advance your musicianship.

Kettle drums lend themselves to anything metal.  A myriad of car parts that are hollow on the inside will make fine drums.  Utilize a rim or hubcaps—all you have to do is cover them with a membranous covering.  4 Wheel Parts will keep you on the beat.

A plastic expansion tank could make a diverting rattle.  You don’t have to settle for the wan, milk carton-like exterior either.  Glue some washers to it for style, or paint it up with varying shades of nail polish.  Fill it with beans and shake it.  You’ll soon have your groove back.  Initiate your euphonious odyssey at 4 Wheel Drive.

Ever lusted after a gong, but couldn’t afford one?  Use a deep sump transmission pan.  Grab a wooden dowel and electrical tape for the mallet.  Embellish your gong with some textured paint , perhaps using your Chinese astrological sign or the Om sign, or another symbol that reverberates with you.  Auto Parts Warehouse will be in sync with all your orchestral needs.

Take a break from the cacophony of the everyday and take pleasure in making your own musical instruments.  The first musical instruments were made from things in nature.  Why not re-purpose some auto parts in your environ?  Our promo codes will make it affordable and fun for you!