First Female NFL Official
The National Football League has hired its first full time female official. A pioneering appointment the league has been dilatory in making. And, who better to illuminate a man’s mistakes than a woman, right? Sarah Thomas, who began officiating high school football games in 1999, has been immersed in the league’s officiating development program for 2 years and is one of 7 referees enjoying their inaugural year next season.
But all eyes will be on her for, at least, the first few games. Every call she makes will be scrutinized and, heaven forbid, she blunders, she’ll be excoriated. Should that occur, she might want to stop by Converse to pick up a pair of Jack Purcell aviator sunglasses or two for the protracted walk out to her car.
However, most football cognoscenti agree, this hire is astute. John Harbaugh, Baltimore Raven’s head coach, said, “We had her in preseason last year. She did a good job. She might be one of the better ones we’ve had.” Being extolled by a Super Bowl winning coach must feel as warm and fuzzy as a pair of UGG boots. Uggs has plenty of new arrivals in a plethora of styles and colors. Everybody loves them, even if they’re piqued at the person in them.
The players seem unconcerned. As does Sarah herself. She has said “I don’t look at myself as just a female, I look at myself as an official.” She did express some disquietude, however, about one topic: make up. Initially, she surmised she might not be permitted to wear make up. But the league has acquiesced. And, while she needn’t completely coif her blonde locks, she is required to wear a pony tail. Indubitably, she’ll want to make fashion reparations after the game and no place is better than Boston Proper for dernier cri. From casual fashion to elegant habiliments, Boston Proper is always the right call.
This autumn, Ms. Thomas will adjudicate the competition between behemoth men. She’ll need to maintain a formidable physique herself. And, Nike has a Fit Kit for just that endeavor. These kits offer everything you need for several different disciplines.
Speaking of discipline, no player is going to want to be the first guy penalized by a chick. It’s a trivia interrogatory to which they do not want to be the answer. The players in the games she oversees will be very cognizant of that and perform punctiliously. See? She’s already instilling discipline.