Going Nowhere Fast
Sitting, just stopped in congested traffic might be one of the most frustrating feelings imaginable. All you really want is to get to your destination. Personally, I have shed tears when stuck on the highway surrounded by other 4000 pound shiny objects on wheels.
Not only is this bottleneck of vehicles exasperating, it is costing all of us a massive pile of money.
A study from the Centre for Economics and Business Research claims Americans wasted $124 billion sitting in traffic in 2013 and it cost the average household $1,700. It is no surprise that Los Angeles drivers had it the worst. Unbelievably, this research calculated that the average driver sat in 65 hours of traffic during this one year. And if that isn’t enough to make your blood boil, the study has more shocking news….it predicts 30 million more vehicles will be added to our roads over the next 17 years.
Better get comfy in your car.
1. Comfort Kit
4 Wheel Parts actually offers a "Comfort Kit" for drivers old and young. It includes a dash organizer, sun glass holder, rear seat organizer and arm rest pad. This is the perfect gift of appreciation for the commuter or the mom on the “go.”
2. Navigation
I encourage each and every motorist to engage in whatever technology is available to assist them in piloting their gas-powered carriage through this maze of tin cans on wheels.
Whether you want to maneuver around traffic jams or calculate a fuel-efficient route, Advance Auto Parts is your prime resource for the most current car navigation systems and GPS accessories. This is absolutely an indispensable tool for the daily freeway warrior.
Many of the brands recommended by Advance Auto Parts include pre-loaded maps and "text-to-speech" features. (This refers to that "pleasant" voice announcing aloud streets and directions while guiding you to the proper lane for navigation).
3. Temperature Control
Regardless if you are driving in Honolulu or Boston, temperature control inside your car is vital for the comfort of you and your passengers. There is no better place to shop for your cooling and heating needs than 4 Wheel Drive. The products offered by this reputable business will help you survive the humidity of the summer with components for an updated air conditioning system, as well as stay toasty warm with heater and defroster parts. 4 WheelDrive even offers a seat heater comprised of a warmer for both the back and base of the seat.
4. Wipers
And when the weather turns really nasty (or you need to clean your windshield after a friendly visit from a pigeon), Auto Parts Warehouse has the top windshield wipers, washers and components. They even have options with sensors that actually detect the rain! Auto Parts Warehouse delivers exceptional quality, performance and merchandise with extended service life as well.
If you are like me and are thoroughly ignorant of car mechanics and maintenance, you should turn to these trustworthy establishments. Each enterprise provides parts at great prices. You will always be satisfied and never disappointed with the products, service or site.
And these automobile innovations just might help mitigate the aggravation and nuisance of your commute.