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Movin' On Up

by Abbey O'Bryan, on March 10th, 2015

It’s moving day at my place. I’m scratching my head in utter disbelief at the mountain of material we three humans have squirreled away. The most vexing part about it: we proudly regard ourselves as anti-pack rats, making several donation trips to Goodwill throughout the year. I grew up in a large, five-bedroom farmhouse with a full basement, and every nook and cranny was neatly filled to the brim with, what my mom lovingly referred to as, her “just in case” supplies. Because you never know when you might need that old mustard lamp shade, that last little dribble of bright blue paint she used in my brother’s room ten years ago, or one of the 50 pairs of shoes the family outgrew.  So, naturally, I had a fierce oppositional character shift because every girl has to rebel against her mother’s method of operating (before she eventually concludes that maybe her mom was on to something). Getting rid of literally everything I owned except what would fit in my car three times in my short life has led me to this conclusion: unless you have a money tree growing in your backyard sometimes it makes sense to hold on to a few essentials when you’re moving.

So this time I got smarter. I used a little moderation. Anything we had touched in the last year, stayed. Everything else, adios. A couple of donation treks later, the mountain was becoming a mole hill. Progress! And the mac daddy of all my moving revelations...scanning! Goodbye shoe boxes full of old photos, sayonara grad school research, arrivederci receipts. Now they’re all perfectly and weightlessly perched on my desktop. Feeling splendidly satisfied with my ingenuity, I began carrying the hardcopies to the dumpster. That’s when the dubiousness began... “What if someone steals my laptop?” “What if I lose it?” “What if a horrible virus infects my data?” So the hunt was on for security software. It didn’t take long for me to find the remedy: McAfee Total Protection. It provides anti-virus protection, anti-spyware, anti-spam, website safety ratings, online backup and anti-theft software enabling encryption and password-protection of all my most personal files. Peace of mind restored! And right now at, you can get the same all-inclusive protection for your digital life for 50% off!