converse mount rushmore

Obama One Shy of Clinching 50

by Anne Middleton, on April 6th, 2015

Only 3 US Presidents have visited all 50 states during their tenure in the Oval Office.  Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton.  Barak Obama recently visited his 49th State when he traversed his way west and toured Utah.  Only South Dakota remains unexplored by our Commander in Chief.

Perhaps, he’s intimidated by the famous heads on The Black Hills Mountain.  Perhaps, he’s allergic to the Gold found in “them thar hills.” Or, perchance, he just not in possession of the right ensemble.

Converse has Star Spangled Shoes that can make any paw look Presidential.   Flag patterned sneakers and T-shirts will promulgate your patriotism and maybe even ameliorate you jump shot.

South Dakota has a lot to offer whether you’re a world leader or common denizen.  The winter months are resplendent but can be somewhat gelid in The Mount Rushmore State and warm lamb or sheep skinned boots and jackets are what made Ugg's famous.  Regardless of climes, these specially lined boots wick away the sweat to keep your feet dry and comfortable.

In 1991, South Dakota opened up the George S. Mickelson rail trial used cyclists and runners.  Traversing through the beauteous Black Hills, this 109 mile thoroughfare is a great place to lace up your new running or cycling shoes from Nike.  With selections as splendorous as the granite-carved Commanders’ craniums, you’re sure to find just the right pair to peregrinate through the hills.

With plenty of time left in his term, a Barak Obama sojourn to South Dakota, seems promising.  Hopefully, our jet-setting chieftain will bring the always contemporary Michelle Obama with him.  As, perhaps, the trendiest FLOTUS since Jackie O, she’s always well-coiffed. You can be too with the fabulous finery at Boston Proper.  The only thing conservative there are the prices.  Their spring arrivals are not only stupendously beautiful but perfectly priced.  With everything from clothes to accessories to cowboy boots, you can acclimate anywhere, whether The President’s been there or not.