the trendiest pacifier

The Trendiest Pacifier

by Anne Middleton, on November 12th, 2015

Could tablets become the new pacifier for babies?  A just released study by the renowned Albert Einstein Medical Center found that 92% percent of kids have used a mobile device before their first birthday.

Your eyes are not deceiving you….before they reach the ripe old age of one, this survey revealed that just about every wholesome child in the study had interfaced with these nifty electronic devices.

And a quarter of parents with kids aged 1 or younger say their children managed to engage in using the tablet “just fine” without any assistance.  These future geniuses know a good thing when they see it and are crawling their way (sacrificing scraped knees), to occupy themselves with the stimulating and colorful images on the screen.

The authors of this study say this “shines a light on "the pervasive nature of digital exposure among very young children.”

Most parents, about 65%, confess that the devices serve as an effective distraction tool, employed to keep kids entertained while they are performing chores or out in public. One mom admitted to focusing her child’s mind on the tablet while waiting for the annual dreaded flu shot.  She believes the less screaming from a piercing needle, the better for everyone.  Hard to disagree with that.

There is no need to fly into frenzy or become alarmed at this trend. 

After all, didn’t previous generations place their rambunctious child in front of the “boob tube” to divert their interference while gossiping on the phone or preparing dinner? Just like Sesame Street, the apps on our technological equipment can be an amusing learning tool and not just a pacifying implement if the adult in charge remains sensible and reliable. 

Even the busiest mom or dad has an abundance of options to control their infant’s interactions on a tablet. The supportive members of T-Mobile can help you discover the device most suitable to complement your family’s requirements. And then these wise experts can end their insights on how to secure your tablet from unwanted actions by your child. 

For example:
• There are apps that allow parents to filter adult content
• Dozens of options exist to set limits on usage time
• There is even easy-to-install software to prevent accidental or unapproved purchases. After all, your one year old son is still more than a decade away from being able to drive a Ferrari with a no return policy. And your daughter might be tempted by the handmade, 4-story bamboo dollhouse with life-like residents if not obstructed from clicking “buy now”

One of the most ingenuous methods for providing these essential settings for your youngsters comes from Verizon. From setting data usage limits to blocking calls and texts, you’ll have the superpowers to control it all with Verizon Family Safeguards & Controls.

One in five children now have their own tablets, say researchers. So the verdict is clear.  Tablets, Smartphones and future gadgets are omnipresent.  Let’s work in harmony to teach our children how to be accountable for their actions, no matter how young.