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About eDiets

Since 1997, eDiets.com has offered over 2 million members professional diet and fitness advice, information, services and products to help improve the overall health and longevity of its members. And recently, eDiets.com's meal delivery service, Deliciously Yours, was acknowledged by the premier award-winning food website, Epicurious.com, as the best meal delivery service. Get the best possible price on your plan with eDiets coupons and promo codes from PromoCodesForYou!

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  • 3 eDiets Deals Verified
3.0/5 from 4 shoppers Vote

About eDiets

Since 1997, eDiets.com has offered over 2 million members professional diet and fitness advice, information, services and products to help improve the overall health and longevity of its members. And recently, eDiets.com's meal delivery service, Deliciously Yours, was acknowledged by the premier award-winning food website, Epicurious.com, as the best meal delivery service. Get the best possible price on your plan with eDiets coupons and promo codes from PromoCodesForYou!

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