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Get Ahead Of Summer

Anne Middleton
April 8th, 2016

In order to have an entertaining, relaxing and enjoyable summer, you must first prepare for the heat, activities and necessities of the hot days ahead.  This includes inspecting your air conditioning unit, preparing for a fun family adventure that may include camping and swimming, and shedding the doldrums of winter for a wonderful summer of casual living. Inspect Your HVAC Technically, a heat wave is “3 consecutive days of 90 degrees or more.”  Last September, when most expected the nationwide weather to begin to cool down, our entire country experienced smothering heat.

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7 Silly And Weird Holidays To Enjoy

Anne Middleton
April 7th, 2016

You are certainly familiar with holidays such as the Fourth of July, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.  But did you know there are fun, funky and unusual holidays celebrated all year long?  You may not have heard of Fragrance Day, Submarine Day or Waffle Day, but they do exist. Read on to learn more and chuckle over these weird and obscure holidays. 1. Submarine Day - April 17th This day is hailed as the annual occasion to celebrate the mighty and mysterious submarine boat. This date was chosen since the United States Submarine Force was established on April 17th  in 1900.

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Keep Cool This Summer For Less!

Anne Middleton
April 6th, 2016

Everyone loves summer!  It’s that glorious time of the year when the weather finally warms up and the chill of winter is forgotten. Regretfully, the beaming sunshine can become stifling. But fear not!  There are energy efficient ways to keep cool. And when combined with an occasional dip in the pool, these tips can help you beat the summertime heat without breaking the bank. Draw the Shades Closing your blinds and curtains during the day can naturally cool your home by blocking heat that otherwise would have come in through your windows. Up to 30% of unwanted heat comes from your windows.

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8 Simple Strategies To Save Time And Money

Anne Middleton
April 5th, 2016

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we lived in a world where we could save both money and save time? Time management is a skill that eludes many of us.  But with a little planning and knowledge, it is definitely achievable to save time, save money and enjoy life a bit more.  Here are a few tips to get you started: 1. Automatic Deposits and Payments
One of the simplest methods to save time and money is commonplace in today’s society.  Direct deposit saves time.  You no longer have to go to the bank or ATM to put your paycheck into your account.

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Get Ready To Host A Game Of Thrones Party

Anne Middleton
April 4th, 2016

Game of Thrones season 6 will premiere on April 24, 2016.  The loyal fans of this medieval fantasy epic are already planning to celebrate its return with an ultimate Game of Thrones themed party.
Game of Thrones may not always be a particularly happy show, but its popularity is undeniable. Variety reported that the fifth-season finale drew  the show’s largest audience ever with an average of 8.11 million viewers. HBO has pulled out all the stops for Season 6 and the premiere episode. It is estimated that each episode will upwards of $10 million to complete according to the on-line version of TIME magazine.

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Virtual Reality: Ready Or Not, Here It Comes!

Anne Middleton
April 1st, 2016

The beginning of 2016 is providing a powerful, exciting and quick launch for virtual reality (VR) technology. Experts believe video games will be the key driver of VR as it explodes onto the scene. The VR industry is growing at an insanely fast pace: • Revenues from virtual reality products (both hardware and software) projected to exceed 5.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 • The number of active VR users is forecast to reach 171 million people by 2018 • Revenue from virtual reality head-mounted displays is expected to grow to $3.

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Unconventional Ways You Can Save Money

Anne Middleton
March 31st, 2016

Everyone loves the sound of change jingling in the pocket.  But unexpected costs and daily living expenses can make it tough to save money. Try these creative ways and money saving tips that you may not have thought about to accumulate some extra dough.  There are also suggestions for specific apps that can keep your wallet from being emptied. Fashion Exchange A common concern is how to save money on necessities like clothing. If you are a fashionista and love the idea of buying new clothes but don’t have the funds, chances are you know plenty of people in the same boat.

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Should You Be Paying For Computer Security?

Anne Middleton
March 30th, 2016

Naturally, no one wants to spend money unnecessarily. A new pair of designer shoes or the latest juicing machine may be something you can live without, but regardless of your financial situation, you must assure you have computer security on all your devices.  The risk of your technology gadgets becoming infiltrated by malware (software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems) has become almost commonplace in today’s society.  You can defend yourself with protection from leaders in internet security such as McAfee and Malwarebytes.

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Take Advantage Of The Season To Exercise Outside

Anne Middleton
March 29th, 2016

Hello warmer weather!  And that means we can all say a happy hello to hiking trails and biking and athletic clothes from Under Armour, streamlined bikes from Performance Bike and fabulous walking shoes from New Balance. This is a great time to take your exercise routine outside…or to create a brand new exercise regime to enjoy the outdoors. There is an amazing assortment of open-air activities to choose from, most easily accessible within a couple of miles of your home. And if we are honest, everything is more fun outside, whether you're swimming, running or cycling. 1.

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Cool Technology For Dads

Anne Middleton
March 28th, 2016

It just so happens that my dad’s birthday and Father’s Day are relatively close together.  Every year I struggle to find fun, appropriate and enjoyable gifts for him.  But once I logged onto the websites of Toshiba and Panasonic and viewed their spectacular technology products, the struggle was over! I found several fabulous cool gifts for my dad: Headphones No one works harder than my dad.  It isn’t just the hours he puts in, it’s the heart and soul he adds to making his office a great place to work while running a successful business.

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